Cyberpunk 2077 vs. Watch Dogs Legion: Which RPG Game is More Anticipated

November 18, 2021


Gamers worldwide are eagerly anticipating two RPG games set in dystopian futures: Cyberpunk 2077 and Watch Dogs Legion. Both have garnered significant attention due to their immersive open-world settings, believable characters, and intricate storylines. But which one is more anticipated?

In this article, we will compare the two games based on various aspects, including the gameplay, graphics, storyline, and overall hype.


Cyberpunk 2077 is a first-person RPG game that combines shooting, driving, and hacking elements. Players will step into the shoes of V, a mercenary in the bustling metropolis of Night City, and navigate through the city's sprawling and dangerous streets.

On the other hand, Watch Dogs Legion is an open-world third-person game that allows players to control various characters in a post-Brexit London. Players can recruit up to 20 NPCs in the game and switch seamlessly between them to complete missions.

Both games provide players with different gameplay experiences, and the preference may vary with personal choices.

Winner: Tie


The visuals of both games look stunning, and both titles have spent years in development to make sure they look incredible. Cyberpunk 2077's graphics are beyond impressive, with painstaking attention to detail in Night City's glowing neon lights, futuristic tech, and character models.

Watch Dogs Legion also delivers an impressive visual experience with meticulously crafted environments, detailed models, and the added feature of a ray tracing option for players with capable hardware.

Winner: Tie


In Cyberpunk 2077, players will experience a branching storyline of the main quest and various side missions. The game offers multiple paths and endings and a plethora of boundless narratives and dialogues.

Watch Dogs Legion, on the other hand, features a thrilling storyline where players will have to take down the corrupt regime in post-Brexit London with the help of DedSec, a hacking organization.

Both games offer rich, deep, and immersive storylines, and players can expect to be fully engrossed in the game world.

Winner: Tie


Cyberpunk 2077 was in development for almost eight years, and its hype has been building up for years among game enthusiasts. The game is one of the most anticipated titles in recent years, with sales projections reaching 29 million by 2024, according to analysts.

Although Watch Dogs Legion's hype may not have been as high as Cyberpunk, the game has still garnered significant attention from gamers worldwide. The game is expected to sell well based on its predecessors' success and is predicted to make more than $200 million in revenue in the opening month.

Winner: Cyberpunk 2077


After comparing Cyberpunk 2077 and Watch Dogs Legion regarding gameplay, graphics, storyline, and hype, it's difficult to declare the winner definitively. Both games offer unique experiences and have their ardent fan base eagerly awaiting their release.

However, considering the extensive hype surrounding Cyberpunk 2077, it seems to have a slight edge over Watch Dogs Legion in terms of anticipation and sales projections.

We hope that this comparison has helped you decide which game to choose based on your preferences. And of course, we cannot wait to explore these worlds ourselves.



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